Bagdat Caddesi
No.168, K:2, D:8
Istanbul, Turkey
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Speakers and panelists
Mr. Omer Koca,
Deputy General Manager,
General Directorate of Petroleum Affairs (PIGM)
Mr. Nusret Comert,
Chairman of the Board,
Shell Enerji
Dr. Reha Aykul Muratoglu,
Head of Transit Petroleum Pipelines Department,
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkey
Mr. Ismail Bahtiyar,
Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists (TAPG)
Mr. M. Ergun Olgun,
Former Undersecretary,
T.R.Northern Cyprus President's Office
Mr. Emre Erturk,
General Manager,
CEEN Enerji Bilgi Servisleri Ltd. Sti.
Mr. Cem Cagatay Orak,
Attorney at Law, Ph.D.,
Cakmak Avukatlik Burosu
Mr. Andy Williams,
Senior Partner,
Temi Group
Mr. Janos Hovari,
Embassy of Hungary
Prof. Dr. Ali Osman Oncel,
Head of Chamber of Geophysical Engineers of Istanbul,
Professor of Istanbul University
Mr. Necdet Pamir,
Chairman, Energy Commission of the Republican People's Party;
Chief Editor of Enerji Energy
Mr. Orhan Duran,
General Manager,
Genel Enerji